Setup 📦

The recommended programming tool for the XIAO ESP32S3 is the Arduino IDE, so as part of the software preparation, you will need to complete the Arduino installation.

Software Preparation

  • Step 1: Download and Install the stable version of Arduino IDE according to your operating system. Click here (opens in a new tab) to download.
  • Step 2: Add ESP32 board package to your Arduino IDE

Navigate to File > Preferences, and fill "Additional Boards Manager URLs" with the url below:

Arduino IDE Preferences

  • Step 3: Install the ESP32 board package

Navigate to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, and search for ESP32, then click Install to install the ESP32 board package.

Arduino IDE Boards Manager

  • Step 4: Select your board and port.

On top of the Arduino IDE, you can select the port directly. This is likely to be COM3 or higher (COM1 and COM2 are usually reserved for hardware serial ports).

Arduino IDE Select Board and Port

With this preparation, you can start writing programs for XIAO ESP32S3 to compile and upload.


  • Install Arduino IDE
  • Add ESP32S3 board package to Arduino IDE